Each year around my birthday (November 25) I set my new intention "theme" for the new year ahead.
This year my theme for my life is being UNLEASHED.
Yes, unleashed.
Yes, unleashed.
Hhhmmm, what will that look like, what will show up as I create that space, what will I choose as I look through that lens...
Yes, that is how I create my life newly each year.
Over the past few years I've had many different themes which have guided me far beyond having goals. Usually as I set goals or opportunities present themselves I ask "does that fit with my theme, or how does it fit with my them?" Last year was Integrity and what it meant to have integrity guide workability and an empowering context for my life. Biggest way I was out of integrity last year was not keeping an empowering context (aka conversation) about myself, others or the situations I found myself in. Surprise there is NO workability to your life when your conversation has you being disempowered.
Other years have been intimacy, adventure (the year I picked up in 2 weeks and moved to Toronto), transformation and many more.
Often I even come up with a visual image that can describe what that means to me because these words, of course, evoke different things for different people. The year I had Deeply as a Theme the image was "jumping into the deep end of the pool and splashing around like no one was there." The year it was Vulnerability the image was "sitting in a meadow alone at dusk." Hopefully you get the picture. HaHa! The picture, pardon the punn. :)
Now, beware... yes with all good things comes a disclaimer of sorts... creating a theme may also push you to the edge, your comfort zone, your limitations already set in this area, many that are blind to you. Everything that shows up will be aligned with you have MORE of this theme or shine a light on where you don't have this yet. Because the idea is not to have this "theme" such as it is showing up in your life right now... the idea is to have this theme beyond what you even know is possible.
So go out and create your theme and play BIG! Be UNLEASHED you might say.
p.s. I also change all my passwords to my theme so I'm constantly typing it in and present to it (of course with some other characters) so as to not have all my accounts accessed. xo
Take time for yourself, at least an hour, in a place that calls forth your creative, imaginative mind. There will be reflection as well so be prepared to celebrate all that was and all that was not!
The Top 10 Steps to Creating a Theme for YOUR LIFE or THIS YEAR
Before choosing a goal for your life, it is essential that you are clear on what it is that you want to BE, and that you create goals that include the whole of your life. By creating a theme for your life you will be assured of setting goals that truly come from your heart and not just from your head – the surefire way of creating lasting success.
1. Write a list of everything that you achieved in the last year.
Include everything, no matter how big or small, in all areas of your life. Your relationships, your work, your home life and especially things that you did for others in your life. Many times the theme that we want for our lives appears in patterns in our lives that we are unaware of. I often go through my calendar, agenda from the year past and it’s fun to re-witness all the big and small moments; people I met, people I said goodbye too, goals I accomplished, those that I didn’t, where did I travel, who did I meet, and so on…
2. What would you like to add to your life this year?
Example: spending more time with your children or friends, allowing more time for your relationship, or enhancing your skills by taking a course or reading a book, donate some money to your charity, etc.
3. Are there any issues from last year that you would like to change this year?
Some examples may be less time listening or spreading gossip, cutting down on involvement with committees, wasting time, watching less TV or living with less stress.
4. Choose a word that would best describe what it is that you would like to BE this year.
Some words that may help you could include BEING more Peaceful, Successful, Happy, Tranquil, Loving, Kind, Generous of Spirit, Adventurous, Intimacy, Abundance, Joyful, etc. As you are writing, say the word over and over to yourself. Choose a word that would best describe the theme you would like to live your life by – one word, one step at a time.
5. How can you incorporate that them into all areas of your life?
Relationships, children, work, finances, family, your health and your body. Take each section of your life and ask yourself what’s one step you can take to create your theme in that area.
6. What is your Passion, Your Gift or Your Dream?
What is it that you would truly love to do? Include in your them a strategy for enhancing that gift or that dream. How can you incorporate that into your life, taking one step at a time?
7. Is there anything about yourself that you would like to change?
This is not about personality, this is about beliefs or habits that you would like to change—whether it be that you would like to be more confident, less critical, to listen more, to become more spiritual. Try and choose just one that you can work on.
8. What will you no longer accept from others in your life?
In order to BE truly you, you many have to look at some relationships in your life that stop you from achieving that – whether it is feelings of guilt from family, obligations from co-workers, negative statements from others. Again, choose just one where you can take back some power into your life. Remember… one step at a time.
9. What is one extra thing that you would like to include in your life this year?
These are not earth shattering changes. But just one or two things that you feel that you could add to your life that would make a difference; i.e. To read more novels, spend more time with friends or family, remember birthdays or to send thank you notes.
10. What would you like to achieve this year?
What steps do you need to take to make this theme a reality?
1. Write a list of everything that you achieved in the last year.
Include everything, no matter how big or small, in all areas of your life. Your relationships, your work, your home life and especially things that you did for others in your life. Many times the theme that we want for our lives appears in patterns in our lives that we are unaware of. I often go through my calendar, agenda from the year past and it’s fun to re-witness all the big and small moments; people I met, people I said goodbye too, goals I accomplished, those that I didn’t, where did I travel, who did I meet, and so on…
2. What would you like to add to your life this year?
Example: spending more time with your children or friends, allowing more time for your relationship, or enhancing your skills by taking a course or reading a book, donate some money to your charity, etc.
3. Are there any issues from last year that you would like to change this year?
Some examples may be less time listening or spreading gossip, cutting down on involvement with committees, wasting time, watching less TV or living with less stress.
4. Choose a word that would best describe what it is that you would like to BE this year.
Some words that may help you could include BEING more Peaceful, Successful, Happy, Tranquil, Loving, Kind, Generous of Spirit, Adventurous, Intimacy, Abundance, Joyful, etc. As you are writing, say the word over and over to yourself. Choose a word that would best describe the theme you would like to live your life by – one word, one step at a time.
5. How can you incorporate that them into all areas of your life?
Relationships, children, work, finances, family, your health and your body. Take each section of your life and ask yourself what’s one step you can take to create your theme in that area.
6. What is your Passion, Your Gift or Your Dream?
What is it that you would truly love to do? Include in your them a strategy for enhancing that gift or that dream. How can you incorporate that into your life, taking one step at a time?
7. Is there anything about yourself that you would like to change?
This is not about personality, this is about beliefs or habits that you would like to change—whether it be that you would like to be more confident, less critical, to listen more, to become more spiritual. Try and choose just one that you can work on.
8. What will you no longer accept from others in your life?
In order to BE truly you, you many have to look at some relationships in your life that stop you from achieving that – whether it is feelings of guilt from family, obligations from co-workers, negative statements from others. Again, choose just one where you can take back some power into your life. Remember… one step at a time.
9. What is one extra thing that you would like to include in your life this year?
These are not earth shattering changes. But just one or two things that you feel that you could add to your life that would make a difference; i.e. To read more novels, spend more time with friends or family, remember birthdays or to send thank you notes.
10. What would you like to achieve this year?
What steps do you need to take to make this theme a reality?
© Prophet Coaching | Distinct Planning