Saturday, July 21, 2012

day 6 ... Rituals of Release

Her voice guides us... "today is the day we're going to forgive, to let go and to free ourselves to accept the blissful, excitement of the future..." she guides us to our sacred place - mine is always the same and incorporates all the usual places suggested - a meadow, leaning against a tree, on top of a mountain, looking out over an ocean. I always want to have it all.

Rituals comfort us because they are familiar and easily repeatable. Many rituals are used to symbolize ancient practices of purification... often water or fire are used in these rituals. Sometimes earth or wind.

Over the past few months I crave water, being by water, immersed in water, gazing out over it....  one gypsy I met along my path said I may have too much heat in my heart and I need to cool it. I am a fire sign, the Sagittarius and seek the heat of life often.

... it's been time to cool and calm my heart through rituals with water.

Centering Thought for Today:
"I am pure existence, pure consciousness, pure love."

And then she guides us on top of cloud we forgive, let go and release...

"Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; 
and if the past can not prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?"
—Eckhart Tolle

David Simon instructed, "The human mind is adept at ignoring emotional pain until it builds up to the point where it can no longer be ignored." Today gives you the gift of healing and letting go through the ritual of release. Trust that in this ritual you will be surrounded by light and love, knowing that the intention of this healing is to lift you up and allow you to soar. 

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